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How to Remove Silicone Stains


People who work with machinery know how essential silicone lubricant is, but they also know that drips and splatters can leave pesky little stains all over clothes. This is fine if you are wearing your work clothes, but not so fun when it gets on something nice. Silicone lubricant stains can be removed using basic, household cleaning products.


1 Spray the stain with more silicone lubricant, only if you accidentally washed and dried the item before treating the stain. Spraying a set stain with more lubricant and letting it sit for half an hour will reconstitute the original stain, allowing you to treat it like a new stain.

2 Saturate the stain with a mixture of equal parts dish washing soap and household grease cleaner, such as Greased Lightening, AquaKlean, Griot's, Lestoil or Goo Gone.Read more: How to

3 Allow the stain to soak for 5 to 10 minutes. For thicker fabrics you can blot the stain a bit to work the solution in, but avoid rubbing as this can damage the fibers.

things you'll need:Dish washing soap and Household grease remover


